To enjoy all the benefits of on- click audio calls to your email contacts with SpeedCall™, please allow memoriaCall to give you notifications through your browser.
Google Chrome:
Google Chrome:
Open Chrome on your computer.
Click the three vertical dots at the top right corner, then select Settings.
Scroll down and click on Privacy and security, then choose Site settings.
Under Notifications, you’ll see a list of websites you’ve subscribed to.
Select the URL of the website you want to enable notifications for.
Mozilla Firefox:
Mozilla Firefox:
Open Firefox and click the three horizontal lines (menu) at the top right.
Select Preferences.
In the left panel, click Privacy & Security.
Scroll down to the Permissions section.
Click the Settings… button next to Notifications.
Apple Safari:
Apple Safari:
Open Safari and click on Safari in the menu bar.
Select Preferences.
Choose the website you want to add to the notification section.
Microsoft Edge:
Microsoft Edge:
Open Edge and click the three horizontal dots at the top right.
Go to Settings.
Click Site permissions on the left sidebar.
Select Notifications.
Choose the website you want to manage notifications for.
Remember to adjust these settings according to your preferences for each browser. Now you’ll be all set to receive notifications from your favorite websites! 🌐🔔